Bees are Ensuring Human Survival: Here’s How August 24, 2021Jungle House For many people, bees are a nuisance. They buzz around annoyingly, chase people down the street, and sometimes even sting. But even if you hate them, you will still need...
Homegrown brand Jungle House promotes health benefits of ethically sourced honey July 26, 2021jungle house While the majority of Jungle House’s honey is sourced from Indonesia, it also gets its supply from Malaysian jungles (All photos: Jungle House) Often used as both food and medicine,...
WHY YOU SHOULD BE STARTING YOUR DAY WITH HONEY August 28, 2020Jungle House As we all know, how we start the morning will set the tone for the rest of the day. Picture this: you had a good night’s sleep, then a nice...
Your Ultimate Honey Buying Guide August 28, 2020Jungle House Although many of them may have the same appearance and colour, not all honey are equal. In fact, there are more varieties of honey than you may think and know....
"Sleep Well, Honey";. Sorry, We Meant Sleep Well with Honey! August 28, 2020Jungle House "Sleep Well, Honey";. Sorry, We Meant Sleep Well with Honey! The belief that “sleep is for the weak"; couldn't be more wrong. Scientific research has proven that sleep plays an...
How Honey Was Used Once Upon a Time August 28, 2020Jungle House How Honey Was Used Once Upon a Time If you think that you and your “honey” have been together for a long time, think again. Humans and honey have a...
Beeing Good to Nature August 28, 2020Jungle House Beeing Good to Nature: How These Little Insects Play A Big Role Towards Conserving Mother Earth There is a saying that goes: “The best things come in small packages”, signifying...
Tingkatkan Kesihatan Dan Imun Si Kecil Dengan Madu August 24, 2020Jungle House Madu terbukti secara saintifik sebagai makanan yang berkhasiat dan memiliki pelbagai nutrisi dan mineral semula jadi yang baik untuk kesihatan dan menghidar pelbagai jenis penyakit.Namun, adakah selamat untuk memberi madu...
Honey, ‘JUNGLE-STYLE’! June 12, 2020Jungle House For thousands of years, honey has held the world spellbound with its astounding health-giving benefits. These advantages include antibacterial, antiseptic, antioxidant, antifungal and pro-biotic properties. In addition, honey contains monosaccharides,...
【健康食谱分享】小编的私房蜂蜜食谱 —> 蜂蜜生姜柠檬水 June 10, 2020Jungle House 每一次感觉任何头晕发热还是着凉感冒,喝上一杯蜂蜜+生姜+柠檬水,就等于打一 针免疫增强剂! 亮白肌肤 好心情 减少恶心感 舒缓感冒/流感症状 增强免疫力!!!
这就是Honey天堂! June 10, 2020Jungle House 【Jungle House】蜂蜜专卖店主打6种天然蜂蜜,各别采用了不同花蜜来源,有着独特的香气和不同层次感的甜味。 ① ʀᴏʏᴀʟ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ - 采集自mahoni树的花蜜,带点苦涩蜜味,无明显的甜味。它具有抗炎作用,对缓解背痛有很大帮助。 ② ʀᴏʏᴀʟ ᴡʜɪᴛᴇ - 采集自kiawe树的花蜜,散发出柑橘香的甜。它有助于舒缓失眠并具有抗衰老特性。 ③ ᴊᴜɴɢʟᴇ’s ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ -采集自草莓花蜜,带有淡淡草莓甜香,也是最受孩子们的喜爱。它有助于舒缓咳嗽、流感和喉咙痛的不适症状。 ④ ᴊᴜɴɢʟᴇ’s ᴇʏᴇ --采集自龙眼树花蜜,带有龙眼的浓烈香气。它具有美容养颜功效,修复皮肤和愈合伤口并具有抗菌作用。 ⑤ Sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴛᴏᴏᴛʜ - 采集自芒果树的花蜜,带有芒果香气。其具有促进肠胃消化作用,从而起到减轻便秘的效果。 ⑥ Fʀᴜɪᴛ ʙᴏss - 果中之王的粉丝绝对不能错过!采集自榴莲花蜜,具有淡淡的榴莲香甜。它是一种能量增强剂,可促进男性生育。
给生活来点「甜」,一起共 享健康「甜蜜时刻」 June 10, 2020Jungle House Jungle House 蜂蜜品牌经过10年以上对蜂蜜的深研,致力于在世界各地发掘出更多的宝贵花蜜,多年来一贯坚持质优原则,打造出纯正无添加的可食用蜂蜜,给全马来西亚人民带来新鲜和健康的天然蜂蜜。在森林经过采摘及多重的过滤,把里面的杂质和蜂蜡、花粉过滤掉,让蜜更加纯净透亮,口感细腻,然后再经过杀菌才罐装在瓶里。由于是蜜蜂采集不同花种的花粉自然酿造而成,所以每一款不同的蜂蜜的颜色、口感、风味带来与众不同的秘「蜜」,只因为这就是自然! 【冷知识分享】 1.未加工过的蜂蜜比加工过的好?很多人认为,直接从蜂农手里买的、未经加工的蜂蜜比市面上卖的成品蜂蜜更佳,营养价值更高。不过,由于蜂蜜采花酿蜜是露天作业,采集的原料蜂蜜中有死蜂、花草、灰尘等杂质,没有经过消毒灭菌,还可能会有金属残留。相反,经适量加工的蜂蜜,克服了“露天”的不安全性,加工过程中水分得到充分蒸发,营养物质含量和安全性都可能相对更高。 2. 颜色深浅不同,营养价值不一样?蜂蜜的颜色与蜜源有关,不同植物花粉酿成的蜜,在颜色上有明显差异。专家指出,颜色深浅不能作为评价蜂蜜营养好坏的依据。 3. 蜂蜜怎么喝更有营养?最好是饭前1~2小时或饭后1~2小时,成人每天20克左右,儿童每天10克左右。同时,建议最好用40℃以下的温开水冲服,避免加热过度破坏其营养成分。此外,很多人喜欢早上空腹喝一杯蜂蜜水,但对于肠胃不好的人易导致腹泻,因此,不建议空腹喝。